Research Grants
Thanks to our most ardent supporters and donors, HERA Ovarian Cancer Foundation is committed to awarding annual grants in partnership with leading organizations and universities. These grants are awarded to scientists with “outside the box” ideas regarding the investigation of new directions in basic research, treatment, early detection, and prevention of ovarian cancer.

Dr. Hironari Akasaka (Hiro), guided by Dr. Honami Naora at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, has won a 2024 Outside-the-Box grant in honor of Sharon White.
Ovarian cancer often spreads to the omentum, a fatty tissue near the stomach. It is then hard to stop and leads to almost half of ovarian cancer deaths. Post-menopausal women, who have lower estrogen levels, are more prone to omentum metastases, but why isn’t fully understood. Hiro’s recent research found that certain immune cells (called innate-like B cells) build up in the omentum and help the cancer spread. These cells increase with age and are controlled by estrogen. Plant-based compounds called isoflavones, which act like estrogen, might reduce these harmful cells. Hiro’s study will test if an isoflavone-rich diet can lower the number of these immune cells and stop the cancer from spreading. It will also explore how estrogen controls the proteins that attract these cells. The goal is to find affordable ways to lower cancer spread in post-menopausal women.

Dr. Amandine Amalric, a postdoc with Dr. Katherine Aird at University of Pittsburgh, has been awarded one of our Outside-the-Box grants in the memory of Dona and Stan Vasa.
Ovarian cancer tumors that initially respond to chemotherapy, like platinum-based drugs, often develop resistance leading to poor outcomes for many patients. Understanding how this cancer works and why it resists treatment is essential for finding a cure. Dr. Amandine will focus on high-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC), a particularly aggressive type of ovarian cancer. She will investigate how HGSOC cells use nutrients from food to resist platinum chemotherapy. One key nutrient these cancer cells rely on is an amino acid called histidine, which comes from our diet. She initially discovered that a specific protein that increases histidine levels plays an important role in helping cancer cells resist treatment. She plans to determine whether limiting histidine in the diet could make HGSOC cells more sensitive to chemotherapy. If successful, this research could lead to new dietary strategies that improve treatment outcomes and save lives.
Dr. Taylor Benson, from the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, has been
awarded an Outside-the-Box grant dedicated to the memory of Anne Emery Kyllo.
A common inherited genetic variant increases the production of a protein called WNT4, raising ovarian cancer risk across all populations. This variant is more common in people of East Asian descent, who also have a higher incidence of ovarian clear cell carcinoma (OCCC), a rare and aggressive cancer subtype. Early detection of OCCC is critical for better outcomes, highlighting the need for non-invasive detection methods, such as blood-based biomarkers. Dr. Benson, under the mentorship of Drs. Benjamin Bitler and Matthew Sikora, will use the OSB Grant to study blood biomarkers linked to metabolic changes caused by the WNT4 variant. These changes include a shift in energy use from sugars to fats. This research aims to identify early biomarkers for OCCC, with potential applications for other ovarian cancer types.

Kosuke Murakami, MD, PHD
The Maggie Luck grant has been awarded to Dr. Kosuke Murakami. While immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) represent one of the greatest recent breakthroughs in cancer therapies, ICIs have not worked well on ovarian cancer. Kosuke Murakami, MD PhD, working in the lab of Dr. Sudipto Ganguly at Johns Hopkins University, seeks to identify novel ICIs for chemo-resistant ovarian cancer patients. Specifically, he will examine the interactions between proteins on tumors and immune cells. Dr. Murakami’s long-term research goals include reducing patient suffering from ovarian cancer and improving the health of women worldwide.

Hsin-Fang Tu, PHD
Dr. Hsin-Fang Tu, has won the Rexy Usinowicz grant, a HERA OSB-1 award to develop a vaccine against the “slippery” Muc16 protein that is highly concentrated in ovarian cancers. With the help of her mentor, Dr. Richard Roden, the new vaccine will be designed to attack a different part of Muc16 than previously targeted. It will be combined with the papillomavirus virus-like particles in existing cervical cancer vaccines (e.g. Gardasil, Cervarix) to increase the immune response to ovarian cancer. Dr. Tu’s long-term career goal is to become an independent researcher exploiting a multi-disciplinary approach to broaden the efficacy of cancer immunotherapy with a focus on ovarian cancer.

FaBian R. Villagomez
Dr. Fabian R. Villagomez is the recipient of the Angelina Merenda O'Bar grant and he is conducting his post-doctoral training in the premier ovarian cancer research lab of Dr. Benjamin Bitler at the University of Colorado | Anschutz Medical Campus. He will be using the HERA OSB-1 award to determine how a protein, “claudin-4”, that increases in the ovaries of cancer patients contributes to resistance to therapy. Ovarian cancer tumors with elevated levels of this protein correlate with poor patient outcomes. Dr. Villagomez’s data so far shows that this protein may play a role in how the ovarian cancer cells bind together. The long-term goal of these studies is to determine how best to target claudin-4 therapeutically.

Naveen Kumar Tangudu, phd
Ovarian cancer is the deadliest gynecological cancer in the US with an estimated 21,410 new diagnoses and 13,770 deaths in 2021 alone. The 5-year survival-rate of ovarian cancer patients is a dismal 25–35%. Despite an initial response to therapy, most patients develop a recurrent and chemo resistant disease, making them less amenable to standard-of-care treatments. In certain patients, an identifiable gene mutation leads to increased levels of iron nutrients, which is critical for the start and advancement of ovarian tumors. Currently, there are medical trials studying the efficacy of drugs designed to destroy metabolically altered cells. Our goal is to increase the number of FDA approved drugs, specifically small molecule inhibitors, which can destroy iron dependent cells. Findings from this study will hopefully provide alternate treatments, and improvement in quality of life for this difficult to treat subset of patients.

RONI Nitecki, MD

Lyndsey Crump, PHD
Dr. Roni Nitecki, MD, is a true advocate for women. As a gynecologic oncology fellow at MD Anderson, Dr. Nitecki has worked on projects in hereditary ovarian cancer, surgical management after primary treatment for ovarian cancer, fertility-sparing surgery in gynecologic malignancies, and employment outcomes in gynecologic cancer survivors. With her HERA award, Dr. Nitecki will further HERA’s goals of early detection and prevention of ovarian cancer by facilitating genetic testing of at-risk relatives of patients with BRCA 1/2 mutations. Genetic testing can reduce breast and ovarian cancer cases in at-risk relatives by 20% and 55%, respectively, however, few relatives complete the testing. Currently, the medical system relies on patients to contact their relatives to encourage them to get testing, which has led to suboptimal genetic services. In Dr. Nitecki’s study, the first-degree relatives will receive a telephone call, educational video, an online platform to order free mailed saliva kits, and post-test counseling. Her research has the chance to save lives by stimulating a paradigm shift in the medical community to recognize the importance of testing and take on the responsibility for hereditary ovarian cancers like BRCA1/2.
A post-doctoral fellow at University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus is the recipient of our Angelina Merenda O'Bar grant for her work targeting TDO2/KYN-mediated activation of an immune-suppressive tumor microenvironment in ovarian cancer. The ability of ovarian cancer cells to avoid detection by a woman’s natural immune system significantly increases the morbidity of the disease, and recent immune-based therapeutic options have proven to be ineffective against ovarian tumors. She found that inflammation (an immune response) causes ovarian cancer cells to alter their metabolism, suppressing the body’s ability to recognize and fight the cancer. A specific protein found in the tumor cells, Tryptophan 2,3-Dioxygenase (TDO2,) increases the abundance of an oncometabolite, a metabolic byproduct that suppresses the effectiveness of the immune response. By using newly developed drugs that interfere with the activity of this particular enzyme, she hopes to improve the immune system function to recognize and destroy tumor cells. This work will determine which immune cells are affected by TDO2 inhibition, and how they can be re-programmed to attack ovarian cancer cells.

Alexandra McMellen, PHD
Recipient of the Joe Slansky grant, Dr. Alexandra McMellen received a HERA OSB-1 award to study how immune cells respond in models of ovarian cancers that are either sensitive or resistant to PARP (Poly ADP Ribose Polymerase) inhibitor treatment. PARP inhibitors are frequently used in treating ovarian cancer patients with the BRCA mutations. Working out of the cancer research lab of Dr. Michael Leibowitz at the University of Colorado | Anschutz Medical Campus, Dr. McMellen will research how modern new immunotherapies, specifically CAR-T cell therapies acting against immunosuppressive cells, may change tumor growth. Dr. McMellen is highly experienced in ovarian cancer research, and with the help of the HERA grant, is expanding her horizons to include immunotherapy in her fellowship.

Ovarian clear cell carcinoma (OCCC) is one of the deadliest, most treatment-resistant gynecologic cancers. This is primarily due to its unique cell of origin within endometriosis, a chronic inflammatory condition that affects 6-10% of reproductive-aged women in the U.S. The study will examine the contributions of endometriosis tissue in supporting the growth of OCCC through iron regulation. Iron is critical for cancer cell growth and progression, however, it is highly reactive, and thus can be toxic. While whole body iron regulation is well understood, much less is known regarding the local control of iron homeostasis in cancer. The goal of this work is to understand how endometriosis regulates cancer cell iron levels, and to capitalize on this function as an “Achilles' heel” which can be exploited as a novel treatment option.

Gamze bildik elcik, PHD
Dr. Gamze Bildik Elcik is the recipient of the Joyce Marsh grant. She is a postdoctoral fellow in the Translational Multi-Disciplinary Research Program at the MD Anderson Cancer Center. Her research focus is to understand how a gene called “KRAS” promotes low-grade ovarian cancer (LGSOC) growth and find an effective way to inhibit mutant KRAS activity. Her recent study found that a protein called “DIRAS3” has KRAS inhibitory functions. LGSOC harboring mutant KRAS often has high basal autophagy. Autophagy or “self-eating” can enable cancer cells to survive under nutrient-restrictive conditions. She is currently working on combining DIRAS3 with autophagy inhibitors to effectively block KRAS-driven tumor growth. Dr. Bildik Elcik’s research should improve our understanding of the mechanism in KRAS-driven cancers and provide potential therapeutic approaches for personalized treatment of LGSOC, which are often resistant to conventional chemotherapy.

WonJae Lee, PHD
Recipient of the Susan von Salis grant, the ultimate goal of Dr. Lee’s postdoctoral fellowship at the MD Anderson Cancer Center is to discover more effective therapies for ovarian cancer. Dr. Lee’s research focuses on identifying why this deadly cancer preferentially spreads to the omentum, a fat tissue connected to the stomach. Dr. Lee and colleagues recently discovered that inflammatory cells acting as first responders to infection and cancer mobilize into the omentum prior to metastasis. Using this information, he will study and evaluate whether known anti-inflammatory drugs could be repurposed for stopping metastasis to the omentum. Dr. Lee’s work could potentially accelerate the development of new ovarian cancer therapies in a timely and cost‐effective manner.

SUKH Makhnoon, PHD, MS
Recipient of the Denise Zackman grant, she is a postdoctoral fellow in the Cancer Prevention Research Training Program at the MD Anderson Cancer Center. Dr. Makhnoon's focus is on genetic testing of ovarian cancer. Her project aims to alleviate disparities involving uncertain genetic results in diverse patient populations at multiple hospitals and health systems across the US. Uncertain genetic results are detected at disproportionately higher rates in tests performed in ethnic minorities. Another goal of Dr. Makhnoon's is to improve communications between health care providers (gynecologic oncologists and genetic counselors) and patients of ethnic minorities to reduce these disparities. Her findings will contribute to the much-needed practice guidelines around these issues.

Most women with ovarian cancer are diagnosed only after tumor has spread into the peritoneal cavity. Although it is possible to achieve a state of minimal residual disease (MRD) with surgery followed by chemotherapy, more than three quarters of these women will still relapse and die of their disease. Therapies to convert the MRD state into a cure of ovarian cancer are urgently needed. The studies proposed here are designed to be translated immediately into a clinical trial of cyclophosphamide, ibrutinib, and NEDLI for women with stage III or IV ovarian cancer who achieve MRD following surgery and 6 cycles of carboplatinum plus taxol chemotherapy.

Ajay kumar sharma, phd
Dr. Ajay Kumar Sharma has developed a targeted radiotherapeutic for ovarian cancer. This grant has been named for Sharon White. Under the mentorship of Drs. Sridhar Nimmagadda and Marie-France Penet Vidaver, who was also an OBS-1 recipient more than a decade ago, Dr. Sharma will create a peptide-based agent that binds specifically to EphA2 receptors found in over 80% of ovarian cancers. This radiotherapeutic delivers alpha-radiation to tumors, sparing healthy tissues and minimizing side effects. Its unique mechanism allows for potential combination with other therapies, such as immune modulation, for enhanced efficacy. Dr. Sharma's long-term goal is to advance independent research dedicated to innovative agents for diagnosing and treating ovarian cancer.
apoorva uboveja, phd
The Dona & Stan Vasa Grant has been given to Dr. Apoorva Uboveja, guided by Dr. Katherine Aird at the Hillman Cancer Center in Pittsburgh. When treating ovarian cancer patients with homologous recombination-proficient disease (when the ovarian cancer is good at repairing DNA), they often face resistance to standard treatments. This study aims to tackle this challenge using a new drug and dietary approach. Preliminary data suggests that these ovarian cancers become resistant to chemo and PARP inhibitors, the standard-of-care therapies, by changing how they use nutrients. The goal of the research is to explore if altering nutrient use in these tumors, either through a drug or dietary method, makes them responsive to standard treatments. The expected result is to provide a different treatment option, improving the quality-of-life for ovarian cancer patients resistant to standard therapies.
cassie holbert, Phd
The Angelina Merenda O'Bar grant has been awarded to Dr. Cassandra Holbert. In the quest to impede uncontrolled tumor growth, the research led by Dr. Holbert at Johns Hopkins University, under the guidance of Dr. Tracy Murray Stewart, focuses on the impact of polyamines—small, naturally occurring molecules. These molecules can foster an environment in which tumor cells evade detection and destruction by the immune system, particularly in immunosuppressed tumors like ovarian cancer. Dr. Holbert's findings reveal that ivospemin, a polyamine analogue, effectively depletes polyamine levels in ovarian cancers. The project aims to characterize the influence of ivospemin on immune cell populations and its potential to sensitize tumors to immunotherapy, thereby presenting a promising avenue for addressing ovarian cancer. This grant has been named the Dona and Stan Vasa Grant because of the translatability of the research and Dr Holbert’s dedication to ovarian cancer research.
julia dexter, Md
Dr. Julia Dexter has won the Sean Patrick grant, a clinical grant from HERA, to investigate an ovarian cancer genetic variation with her mentors Drs. Ben Bitler and Matt Sikora at the University of Colorado. Ovarian clear cell carcinoma, a rare form of ovarian cancer more prevalent among individuals of Asian descent, can be associated with the painful gynecologic condition, endometriosis. The collaborative efforts of the Bitler and Sikora labs have identified a genetic variation, more common in people of Asian descent, impacting the functioning of the cancer-related protein WNT4. The research aims to delve into this genetic variation using genetic material from the Colorado Center for Personalized Medicine. Additionally, the study will explore potential barriers that patients may face in accessing care for endometriosis, a condition linked to this uncommon cancer.
Of the scientific researchers HERA has funded since 2002, 86% of them have remained in the field of ovarian cancer.
Retaining these researchers is critical to advancing ovarian cancer research.
GRANT namesakes
Joyce was an extraordinary woman. Not just in my view as my wife, but as a mother to her two daughters, and as a loving, uncommonly kind and patient presence to all. Her profession was secretary to the executive of a national health care organization, but arts and crafts was her avocation, and first love. As a master seamstress and craftswoman, she spent untold hours creating items that were in high demand at art fairs and craft shops. She loved American Primitives, or “early attic” as she called them. She joked that she got hooked back in the day when we couldn’t afford fancy furnishings. By the time we could afford the newer styles, we realized it wasn’t as well built as the old stuff, or nearly as conversation-provoking at house gatherings. Our home is still filled with the early furniture. It’s stout, comfortable, lounging is encouraged, and nobody objects to feet up on it. And guess what? That sturdy old stuff is back in demand and hard to find these days-and isn’t cheap! Maybe we inadvertently did good. That’ll be up to the heirs to find out. Fifty years Joyce and I were together. It dizzies the mind thinking how fast those years went. For us, the old saying about time and having fun couldn’t have been truer. I’m sometimes asked if there are any regrets. The only one is losing her. Otherwise, the answer is no. It’s the memories that count, and those are forever.
-Stan Marsh, husband of late Joyce Marsh
Marilyn "Rexy" Usinowicz
Beauty, dignity, grace, courage, determination, and inspiration describe Marilyn Usinowicz, aka "Rexy." Born in N.J., she grew up with a love of the water, and from a very early age was swimming at The Point in Pompton Lake, Double Trouble in Toms River, and off her father's hunting island in Barnegat Bay. Marilyn married her high-school sweetheart, Paul Usinowicz; and has two daughters and two granddaughters (the youngest of whom she unfortunately never had the chance to meet.) Marilyn was a strong supporter in women being their own persons, and became a "Mom" to not only her daughters, but to many of their friends in that she listened to their needs and issues and was a mentor to many. When confronted by fourth stage ovarian cancer in 1998, Marilyn faced the challenges of multiple surgeries and treatments by taking to the water again, teaching deep-water aerobic classes at several local rec-centers. Marilyn inspired her students and others by her determination to fight as long as possible by being back in the pool, leading demanding classes, shortly after major surgery or while undergoing the multiple regimens of chemotherapy that she had. Marilyn also helped others who had gynecological cancers through her involvement as a charter member of the James Women with Gynecological Cancers support group. Marilyn was like the matriarch of the group, as she used her experiences and knowledge of the impacts on women's lives of these cancers to mentor especially the younger women challenged by these cancers. Marilyn lived her life with dignity. She unselfishly gave of herself to help others. She faced a formidable challenge in her cancer fights, and inspired many by her courage in fighting an unbeatable foe. After her death in October 2009, "Rexy" returned to the water as part of an Eternal Reefs project, which incorporates her ashes into a reef structure that provides habitat for sea creatures.
-Paul Usinowicz, husband of late Marilyn Usinowicz
Joe Slansky
Joe Slansky (Joey) was an avid Climb-4-Life (C4L) participant who believed deeply in the cause of supporting innovative ovarian cancer research as a way to contribute to ending the disease. As a highly accomplished rock climber, he loved to take people climbing and see them feel empowered from the sport. When HERA was formed, he and his sister created the Sibling Slabsters HERA fundraising team and attended all twelve HERA C4Ls in Salt Lake City together. His in-the-moment-enthusiasm and generous spirit made a lasting impression on all participants. He then traveled to Boulder for five C4L events and even attended the C4L in Los Angeles. He was passionate about the entire effort: he wrote fundraising letters, got friends involved, brainstormed ways to raise more money, climbed the canyons, attended the celebrations and wrote thank you notes to donors. He looked forward to being a part of the HERA community every year. Joey passed away in Sept 2021 leaving many great HERA memories and friends, and having contributed significantly to good science and cancer research on the way.
-Jill Slansky, Sister of late Joey Slansky
Maggie Luck
Maggie Luck had an eight-year dance with cancer. Originally from Santa Monica, CA, Maggie called Boulder and Eldorado Springs, CO home for over 30 years. She attended Williams College in Massachusetts where the friendships she made were a source of strength and love in her journey. Prior to residing in Boulder, Maggie spent time living all over the world where she developed lasting friendships in many countries. It was while teaching skiing and learning German in Austria that she met her husband and life-long adventure partner, Richard. Together they traveled the world and spent time residing in South Africa before settling in Boulder. Maggie enjoyed her time outdoors and came to know the flowers and animals on almost every trail within the county. Serving as a hike master through the YMCA of the Rockies in Estes Park, Maggie was able to leave a footprint on top of many of the peaks in The Rocky Mountain National Park and Indian Peaks Wilderness. Her time as a hiking guide allowed her to share her stories with those from all over the country who made it a point to always sign up for a Maggie hike upon their return the following summer. She had an incredible zest for life and her determination to enjoy every minute of every day. When somebody suggested that she might want to take it a little easier her reply would be "ha, so it might kill me? ". Just six months after her initial round of chemo and major surgery she ran a marathon, supported by her incredible friends in her running group. and especially The Breakfast Babes. She was also a strong voice and presence within the HERA Foundation.
-Richard Luck, Husband of late Maggie Luck
Denise Zackman
Denise Zackman was a pure gift from God. There isn’t a day that goes by we don’t think of Denise and miss her. Denise’s dream is that one day there will be a cure. Denise was not defined by her cancer, in fact mostly did not want to talk about it, Denise LIVED her dash. She was a tower of strength and seized every moment she had. No matter what was going on in her life, how much pain she was in, she never let it show and was always there with a kind word or open arms. Always thinking of others.
Her bright, beautiful smile never showed the battle she was fighting. Denise had the best smile!! Denise loved her family deeply; more than anything, her family was everything to her. She was the best Mom. She does live on in their hearts and in ours too. She was the ultimate warrior. Any time you feel down or feel like you can’t push forward you can think of her and then tell yourself there are no excuses or reasons not to press onward. Even though she is not physically here she will never leave the hearts of the people she touched. She loved turtles which are a symbol of endurance, determination, and longevity.
-Melissa Bernashe, Friend of Denise Zackman
Susan Von Salis' life mattered to many people. She was a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, co-worker, family archivist, philanthropist, travel companion, joke teller, deep thinker, and much much more. Her passions were a large part of her life, but her ability to find connections with all sorts of people made her who she was. Susan was always looking for new possible treatments for ovarian cancer, and being recognized with a grant that may lead to better outcomes honors her perfectly. For those of us who lost a friend or a family member in Susan, the HERA foundation has given us a way to continue to fight for her. Her life inspired us to donate money, time, and services. Year after year. Until there comes a day when we no longer need to, we will support HERA's mission to fight ovarian cancer so we don't lose anymore Susans.
-Ruth Slater, Friend of late Susan Von Salis
Angelina Merenda O'Bar
A passionate educator, Ann believed that knowledge was the path to a fulfilled life. Despite many of her own personal life and health challenges, she remained devoted to supporting and empowering others, particularly women and children.
While Ann lived most of her life in Oklahoma, she was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, following her family’s immigration from Sicily, Italy. She traveled the world extensively, embraced diversity and celebrated all cultures. As a result,
Ann’s philanthropy has reached a number of impact areas including education programs, health literacy, medical research, support for women and children’s programs, faith-based organizations, minority communities and support for fellow
educators. As Trustee of this bequest, I kindly request that the funds be allocated in a manner in which they will have the greatest impact towards research and education regarding women’s health.
-Susan Jackson, Friend of late Ann O'Bar
Dona & Stan Vasa
Mom and Dad were lifetime educators. They left an indelible mark on their community through their commitment to education, dedication to others, and unwavering commitment to family. Their impact extended far beyond the classroom, as they worked to uplift and enrich the lives of those around them. For most of her career, Mom taught freshman business students at the University of Nebraska, teaching fundamentals but always imparting important life lessons on how to succeed. She treated her initial cancer diagnosis as an inconvenience that could be scheduled around being a supporter and champion to other women. Mom's resilience as a cancer survivor exemplified her strength and determination, inspiring everyone she touched. Dad taught graduate students in special education and created the para-educator programs used in most states to help students with special needs. Mom and Dad’s dedication and support for their children and grandchildren was strong, nurturing and is greatly missed. Together they not only imparted knowledge to their family but also instilled values of compassion, perseverance, and community service. Mom and Dad’s legacy lives on through the countless individuals they influenced, leaving a lasting tribute to a couple whose passion for education and community left an enduring imprint on the hearts and minds of all who were fortunate enough to know them.
-Brad, Troy, and Matt Vasa, sons of the late Dona and Stan Vasa
Sharon white
Sharon Elizabeth White, also know as “Snow” to close friends, was born February 11, 1964 in Victorville, CA. Sharon was a graduate of Pomona High School and later attended Colorado State University where she earned a Bachelor of Science degree. A successful businesswoman, she was an entreprenuer as well as being named top sales professional for several of the companies she worked for. A HERA board member, Sharon also enjoyed golf, pickleball, traveling, and spending quality time with her wife Janet and too many friends to count. She loved her 4 legged animals, one of whom would snuggle endlessly and accompany her anywhere she would go. Her legacy of warm heart, infectious laughter, and genuine kindness will be carried forth by all blessed to live life with her.
Anne Emery Kyllo
Anne was a gifted musician with enormous compassion who viewed music as a way to communicate with and support people of all ages. She was curious, sincere, sensitive, wore her heart on her sleeve, and had a laugh that filled a room. Tragically, her life was cut short by ovarian cancer at the age of 35.
Anne was born in Denver in 1963 into a family with three older brothers. Patience, purposefulness and resolve were characteristics she learned early in life and she embraced those qualities in a graceful way. Initially, she followed her brothers to the neighborhood elementary school (University Park) but was soon making her way to a school across town, Hallett, where she befriended people who came from very different life circumstances than her own. It was a life-altering experience for her. It was at Hallett where Anne first learned to play the violin and had the opportunity to sing in a school choir. Those experiences were pivotal, as music became central to her life. She played the violin in school orchestras and sang in school choirs at Merrill Junior High School and South High School, and she performed in leading roles in school musicals.
When Anne first visited Lewis and Clark College she fell in love with the verdant and moisture-laden climate of Portland, OR and she never looked back. After majoring in Sociology at Lewis and Clark she earned a second degree in Music Therapy at Willamette University. Until her death, she worked as a Music Therapist at a school outside Portland that served children and adolescents with socio-emotional needs. Anne was a wonderful therapist. Her compassionate, curious, fun-loving and sensitive attributes helped her fashion measures for students to drum, whistle and sing their way to a greater understanding of themselves and their world.
Anne’s curiosity about the world was insatiable. In high school, she seized the opportunity to spend a semester living and studying in England. Then during college, she spent a summer as a nanny in Sweden and her final semester studying in New Zealand and Australia.
While working as a music therapist in Portland, Anne played violin with the Portland Columbia Symphony Orchestra and continued to satisfy her traveling interests in the company of her husband, John Kyllo. Anne’s life was upended in the spring of 1998 by a diagnosis of late-stage ovarian cancer. She died in the fall of that year.
All who were fortunate enough to know her miss Anne’s vivacious good humor and inner beauty. This grant, aimed at helping to topple the scourge of ovarian cancer, honors Anne’s life-long bravery and vitality.
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